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Transit System Name : Cambus
Contact: Mia Brunelli
840 Evashevski Dr., 242 WCTC  Iowa City, IA  52242
Telephone: 319-335-8630
Fax: 319-335-6647
Email: Mia Brunelli
Web Site:
Routes & Schedule Number: 319-335-8633
Service Type: Fixed Route, Paratransit
Service Area: University of Iowa campus, facilities and research park.
Organizational Structure:
Special Features/Highlights: Cambus is a division of the University of Iowa Parking and Transportation Department. It is a free fare service available to the general public. Cambus services include fixed-route, paratransit, which serves the metro area, and a SafeRide program. It is one of three local transit systems providing coordinated services for the urbanized area, all share a central transfer point in the downtown/main campus area. Cambus is a student-operated service, in existence since 1972.
Days/Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday, 4:30 a.m. to 1:02 a.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 11:30 a.m. to 1:02 a.m.; Friday and Saturday, SafeRide until 2:12 a.m.>
Fares Structure: No fare
Number of Vehicles: 42
Number of Vehicles with Lifts or Ramps: 42
Number of Vehicles to ADA Standards: 42
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